With apartments throughout the Sun Belt, Hawthorne Residential has “boots on the ground” intel from thousands of associates and residents providing the firm with a unique competitive advantage.
This real time information provides Hawthorne proprietary access to specific apartment market, submarket, current and historical property information, rent comps, trends, operating expenses, strength/weaknesses of other operating companies, and access to the best talent.

Hawthorne’s Investments Team has deep industry relationships and has completed over $30B of multifamily transactions in the Sun Belt. As a result of our extensive track record of seamless execution, we are the preferred choice of sellers, brokers, equity partners and lenders.
Hawthorne focuses on “off market” or “first look” acquisition opportunities by executing multiple sourcing strategies, including leveraging our long-term relationships with owners, developers, lenders, equity partners and brokers as well as collaborating with our operating teams located throughout the Sun Belt markets to assist with the identification of under-performing properties and property management companies.

Hawthorne Residential has an extensive, disciplined due diligence process and over the past few years has completed due diligence on over 110 properties. Hawthorne executes a collaborative due diligence process that incorporates our Investments, Operations, Maintenance, and Property Improvements teams. The result is a seamless process that results in a smooth onboarding, allowing us to hit the ground running.

Hawthorne Residential is an active, experienced borrower and has deep financing relationships with mortgage bankers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and balance sheet lenders. Through many years of repeat business, lenders have a strong comfort level with Hawthorne Residential’s operational capabilities and strong track record of performance. Hawthorne Residential is currently in the preferred borrower channel network with Fannie Mae and a select sponsor with Freddie Mac.

Hawthorne Residential employs a centralized Portfolio Management approach where Investment Managers are responsible for dedicated properties from acquisition through disposition. Hawthorne’s Investment Managers are not real estate “generalists” that cover multiple property types but are multifamily specialists who have extensive investment, operational, and capital project experience. Our Investment Management professionals work collaboratively with Hawthorne’s Operations, Property Improvements, and Development teams to optimize investment strategy execution and property value.

Hawthorne Residential’s in-house Accounting and Reporting team works collaboratively at the property, investment, and portfolio-levels. For Institutional Investors, Hawthorne has the ability to accommodate specific accounting, reporting, valuation, and auditing needs.
Hawthorne Residential has a dedicated Investor Relations team focused on accurate, transparent communication and superior client service. We utilize Juniper Square, an industry-leading investment management software, which provides each investor 24/7 online access to their comprehensive investment information.